what is the purpose of this website???
obviously the purpose of this website is to spread the good news of SHAWOLISM (i.e. the act of devoting oneself to SHINee).
i dont think this is satire this is for educational purposes and for the purposes of converting others to my religion.
feel free to share this page with anyone you believe is in need of shawolism such as your math teacher, your great aunt, or a subway employee!!!!!!!!!
ALMOST ALL GIFS AND IMAGES ARE CLICKABLE (if not a passage to a new page, they will most likely be song links!!!!!)
PPS members solo discographies are located under the discography tab to the left!
link me on ur site if you want to !!

pearl aqua 4 life

I hope u enjoy shinee as much as i do tysm for visiting!
dedicated to shinee, my friend's older sister and lainee